Barnes & Noble announced today that will be shutting 30% of their stores during the next ten years. They are doing it for two reasons: 1. More consumers are purchasing books from online retailers 2. The increasing popularity of e-books. This means publishers and authors are going to have to rethink some of their marketing ..

LinkedIn Facts: ■Every second, two new professionals join LinkedIn. That’s more than 10,000 people per day! ■The site is the largest professional network, with more than 175 million users from over 200 countries. This number is still growing – in 2011 the membership increased by 45 percent worldwide. ■40 percent of all LinkedIn members reside ..

The goal of most company founders, owners and investors is ultimately to have a liquidity event that rewards key stakeholders for their role in creating a successful company. For example, if you’ve built up a great tech company over the years through brains, hard work and perseverance, odds are you’d love to be acquired by ..

Washington, DC seem dysfunctional to many Americans lately. The word compromise seems to have become a dirty word, as legislators on both sides of the aisle fear that if they don’t take the most extreme views, they will face a primary challenge. But it isn’t merely Congress that is suffering from a public relations problem, ..

At Strategic Vision PR Group, we understand the needs of business owners when it comes to winning public relations campaigns. From branding to media relations to social media campaigns to crisis communications, from our Velocity PR Program for startups to working with medium-sized and Fortune 500 companies, the Strategic Vision PR Group team knows how to make public relations work for businesses.

LinkedIn is the new Facebook. More brands will use LinkedIn to monitor conversations and connect with customers and influencers. New and enhanced features on the site, such as its “endorse” capability (which employs the one-click validation of a Facebook “like”) and new profile and company page designs are encouraging users to spend more time building ..

Strategic Vision PR Group has implemented hundreds of book campaigns since its founding. We love books and understand the book world. We are passionate about reading and literacy because we believe that books change lives and an author’s story can shape and change the world. Books build a brand for an author and we believe in a long-term impact for our authors that connect their message to their readers. From television and radio interviews to book reviews to speaking engagements to social media, our book PR campaigns develop a brand, attract readers and create a national presence.

We have comprehensive knowledge of the lifestyle, entertainment and sports worlds. We have extensive media contacts with international, national, local, and trade media and we provide constant media monitoring and placement, making our stars shine in their branding and media outreach. Among the services we offer are celebrity branding, product launches, events and promotions, media relations, media training, crisis communications, sponsorship activations, social media campaigns, influencer engagement, blogger outreach and product placements.