The staff at Strategic Vision, LLC pauses to remember all of the victims of the terror attacks of 9/11. Our thoughts and prayers are for them and their families. Also our thoughts are with our military and those of our allies who continue pursuing the terrorists and also those who given the ultimate price in ..

24/7 Wall Street recently released its list of 10 most hated companies for 2011. Most are cases in mishandled customer communications. Two in particular, Netflix and Johnson & Johnson, saw a significant drop in customer satisfaction because of a lack of communication from their company, and each offers lessons for every business to keep in ..

More than publicity services, some authors need our help with branding first. And then, when their brand is tightened up and pretty-fied, they’re truly ready for us to take them public. If you are in this position, wondering whether or not your brand needs some tweaking, here are five questions you can ask your brand: ..

While advance planning is an important component of book PR, the reality is that publishers and authors often find themselves with great projects and little lead time to do the advance work. Whether your book is close to – or even past — its publication date, do not despair. There are countless ways to promote ..

One thing that the push towards digital may create is an increase in the art and artistry of printed books. Fast Company recently profiled Penguin books cover designer Coralie Bickford-Smith and The Atlantic ran a piece on their hand sewn covers that will be releasing soon. Penguin seems to be the leader in this area, ..