As PR professionals and counselors, we know it is our job to ensure our clients and their brands leave their customers with nothing less than a sweet taste. So how, you might ask, can PR professionals infuse sweetness into our campaigns and strategies? The ingredient is simple…add one cup S.U.G.A.R. Special In a time when ..
The old adage says, “A picture paints a thousand words” – but the question is, does this mean more to us now than before? Pinterest and Instagram joined the social media domain in 2011 and they both have taken off faster than any other social media platform in the past. Research shows iPhone users upload ..
Editors of major U.S. consumer publications are bombarded with press releases, email pitches, follow up calls and new product announcements that far surpass the limited space available in their publication (and on their desks!). And with more information readily available online through interactive catalogs, electronic press kits, blogs, webinars, Facebook posts, Tweets, etc., finding the ..
One of the most frequent questions entrepreneurs ask about when they raise a little bit of money or are getting close to launching their first product is whether they should hire a PR firm. There is obviously no black-or-white answer. 1. PR is a process, not an event – For starters you shouldn’t do PR ..
Do you have a great idea for a story, but no clue how to get it in the news? Are you tired of pitching press releases the news media simply ignores? If so here are some tips on how to get noticed. 1) Be Unusual The old adage about “Man bites dog” still holds true. ..
Does your brand need an extreme makeover? Not necessarily—Just ask the folks at Tropicana Orange Juice. After deciding that the look they’d been using for years was past the expiration date, in January they launched redesigned cartons. The look was so fresh that Tropicana’s loyal customers didn’t even recognize it. They thought it was a ..
Vampires. Witches. The Apocalypse. Young adult fiction has been long known as a rapidly growing publishing category and with an increasing number of young adult publications, it can be hard to get your work noticed. Here are some tips on how young adult fiction writers can get their work noticed: 1. As an author, make ..
There has been a lot written about content marketing recently, but it’s more than just a clever buzzword. Creating an integrated content PR strategy that is relevant, engaging and social can make a huge difference when it comes to marketing your brand. Here are some tips for building a successful content PR strategy. Defining Content ..
Everyone wants media coverage. Here are some tips on how to attract media interest: 1. Make a list of all the stories you have to tell: This is the stuff you wish journalists would write about. 2. Put your journalist hat on and write the stories yourself: Use the inverted pyramid style of writing and ..
This language, which sometimes does not make sense to people outside of the PR/marketing world, is full of phrases that sometimes leak out into my personal life; phrases that are greeted with confused faces and the inevitable “Wait, so what do you do again?” Here is some of the public relations/marketing lingo we use, and ..