Despite the warm feelings Thanksgiving inspires—heaping plates of mashed potatoes, the delicious smell of turkey, pumpkin pie—thinking about the holidays may also send you in a panic. It’s a common feeling when PR pros look at their to-do lists. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, and to help ease that anxiety, here are seven lessons PR ..
It’s an age-old question: What do reporters want from PR folks? In preparing for this we considered supplying you with some best practices, but instead decided to ask a few of our news contacts what it is they don’t like. Not only did their answers prove to be quite insightful, but at times flat out ..
1. Other News: A significant percentage of news is developed in follow up to other published stories by focusing on a new angle. Media outlets will take a national story and localize it for their audiences almost every day. They’ll also run columns, op-eds and side pieces that explore different perspectives on the big news ..
She reportedly exchanged thousands of lurid emails with another general. This angle of the Kelley story—that four-star Marine Gen. John Allen, the top man in Afghanistan and the nominee for NATO’s supreme allied commander, Europe—is grabbing the most attention. According to reports, Allen and Kelley exchanged numerous emails—the number is up for debate—some of which ..
It’s our favorite time of the year, but not because the temperatures are cooling or the leaves are turning rich shades of red and brown. As entertainment junkies, we are most excited about the new fall TV season and the awards season that’s not far behind. It’s exciting to see new talent and new shows, ..
When we met Judy Gann and learned more about her site, Library Insider, a tool to assist authors in reaching the public library market, we wanted her to share her knowledge with the rest of our world. Today we have a guest post from Judy, giving us the inside scoop on promoting to public libraries. ..

Now is the time if you are a toy company to begin planning in earnest for Toy Fair 2013. More than 1,000 reporters, editors, photographers and bloggers from Manhattan to Moscow are on‐site at Toy Fair each year to report on hot new toys and the latest trends for kids. Thousands of articles and broadcast ..

Brand managers, make the most of your event marketing strategy and execution the first time. The cost and competition for consumer and media attention are too high to leave your next big (or small) event to chance. In my experience, attention to detail and delivering a unique guest experience are the two most important ingredients ..
Few things strike fear in the hearts of PR pros more than an urgent email from a client requesting a time-consuming project…that’s due in two hours…with no additional budget to complete. In honor of Halloween, we’ve compiled a list of the scariest things that a client could utter, along with some quick tips for avoiding ..
It used to be that writing a press release required a little more than the five W’s and H. But as many public relations pros now understand, it’s also about the S-E-O. Press releases are not only being used to inform journalists about your client, but simply by virtue of being posted to wire services, ..