Want to know how to reach bloggers and pitch your story to them? Strategic Vision’s Katie Norris contributed a piece to Bulldog Reporter’s Daily Dog on the four simple steps to do this

Strategic Vision PR Group is proud to be assisting The Williams Syndrome Changing Lives Foundation in bringing public awareness of Williams Syndrome and enhancing the lives of children and adults with Williams Syndrome.  
If you’re waiting for a slow news day to pitch your story ideas to the media, you’ll probably have a long wait. In fact, you might never succeed in shouting down the major events of the day, and you might find yourself waiting forever to find a lull in the news so that you can ..
The folks that brought you the tobacco lawsuits of the 1990s are back and they have found a new industry to target – food makers. Over the past month publications such as the New York Times, Los Angeles Times and others have been reporting on lawsuits against food makers. Also, we have seen stories pop ..
“So, please, oh please, we beg, we pray, go throw your TV set away, and in its place you can install, a lovely bookcase on the wall.” – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Happy Birthday, Roald Dahl
THE DON’T’s 1.Do not leave long voice mails. Most journalists are too pressed for time to wade through lengthy messages. Make your point in 30 seconds – or fewer. State your name, announce that this is will be a brief message, and explain your intent. Leave your phone number (and email address if time permits.) ..
Public relations has become the most effective way to build a brand. Well-known brands like The Body Shop, PlayStation and Harry Potter spend little on brand-name advertising. The same is true for many entrepreneurial companies. Business owners become known in their respective fields of concentration many times through public relations and the associated media generated. ..
Are authors entitled to book promotion? Or book sales? Or shelf space in a particular bookselling venue? Joan Rivers seems to think Costco has banned her autobiography, I Hate Everyone … Starting with Me, and that’s possible. However, we tend to think that Joan Rivers is on the wrong track here. Many books are pitched ..

Dear Gracie: How to Enhance Your Twitter Profile Posted on May 18, 2012 by Grace Lavigne | Leave a comment Each week, Dear Gracie answers questions from ProfNet Connect readers with advice from our network of nearly 50,000 ProfNet experts. Has there been a question burning in your mind lately, something you’ve been wondering that ..
Robert Pattison discussing his saga with Kristen Stewart on “The Daily Show” said: “My biggest problem in my life is that I’m cheap…and I didn’t hire a publicist.” While things worked out for him or even both of them if reports are true that they have reconciled, it is still imperative that if you are ..