Hillary Clinton has been the presumed Democratic nominee for President in 2016 since the last ballots were cast in 2012. Polls showed her miles ahead of all potential Democratic rivals in 2016. In fact so assumed is her nomination in 2016, should anything happen to her, the Democratic Party has no real viable plan B ..
NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams and the Peacock Network are caught in a major crisis that threatens to undermine their credibility. Williams was exposed for lying about being shot down in a helicopter during the United States invasion of Iraq by a group of veterans on Facebook (including one who was in the actual ..
The book world is seeing an explosion in books coming out each year as self-publishing has changed the book world forever. No longer do a few publishing houses control who gets published and who doesn’t. More and more people are achieving their dream of being an author and yet the challenge for authors whether self-published ..
We are often asked how press releases differ from media pitches. It seems everyone has heard of a press release and believes they need one for their public relations campaign. But beyond that they are not sure what a press release does and how it differs with a media pitch. A press release is an ..
Another day has passed and another NFL player has been arrested with domestic violence charges – Arizona Cardinals running back Jonathan Dwyer. This comes as the NFL is still reeling from the public relations damage of Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson, Greg Hardy, and the admission in court documents that nearly a third of its players ..
The NFL continues to be battered in the court of public opinion. Last week it was the Ray Rice saga and the “what did NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell know and when did he know it questions.’ This week it is outrage over Minnesota Viking Adrian Peterson who is facing criminal charges for spanking his four-year ..
On Friday, Target released news that an additional 70 million consumers may have been affected by security breaches and had their credit card and debit card information stolen. This is in addition to the original 40 million that Target reported were affected in December. This latest release came about two weeks after Target announced that ..
No company wants to be portrayed as the ‘Grinch who stole Christmas’, especially in this age of social media and the 24/7 news cycle. Yet United Parcel Service (UPS) and FedEx are both in that position having failed to deliver Christmas presents before the big day. Both are being pummeled on social media which is ..
The Christmas holidays and toys are synonymous. Indeed toys and the Christmas season are a tradition. Another holiday tradition is Black Friday, the traditional start of the holiday shopping season. Yet over the past several years, Black Friday has started to lose its meaning with retailers pushing opening hours ever earlier. Now many retailers are opening ..

The NFL has a PR problem It is likely to get worse if some crucial crisis communications steps aren’t taken. Miami Dolphin offensive lineman, Richie Incognito was accused of bullying his teammate, Jonathan Martin. Incognito has been suspended indefinitely. Taking a page out of Claude Raines in Casablanca, the Dolphins management and the NFL are ..