There are six types of business stories that a business can tell. Any corporate public relations program should incorporate these stories. Vision stories Brand stories Product stories Change of management or direction stories Recruiting stories Customer stories
Less than one percent of small and medium size businesses have a public relations strategy. The challenge is that many businesses simply do not understand what public relations actually is and what it will do for them in terms of business growth and branding. Many business owners and executives equate public relations component with paid ..
What should businesses be paying attention to on their Facebook pages? Unlikes and unsubscribes. Sure, it’s normal to have a certain number of daily unlikes, though spikes and an upward trajectory could be telling you something about the publishing strategy that you’re not seeing in the overview section of Facebook’s insights page. By knowing the ..
Tired of all the political ads you are seeing? Then I have bad news for you. Get use to a lot more ads like them but not from political candidates, but businesses. Corporations and their advertising and PR people watch political PR and advertising to see what works and what doesn’t any copies them. The ..
Public relations has become the most effective way to build a brand. Well-known brands like The Body Shop, PlayStation and Harry Potter spend little on brand-name advertising. The same is true for many entrepreneurial companies. Business owners become known in their respective fields of concentration many times through public relations and the associated media generated. ..
The last week of summer is rapidly coming to an end. For businesses the weeks from Labor Day to Christmas, are critical in terms of marketing and publicity for the coming year. Is your business ready?