Many organizations fail to do any planning for a crisis. This lack of crisis planning ensures that a crisis will get out of control in the media. Doing crisis management planning can stop that from happening

Many organizations fail to do any planning for a crisis. This lack of crisis planning ensures that a crisis will get out of control in the media. Doing crisis management planning can stop that from happening
Today’s politically charged environment has changed the rules of crisis management. A business may be caught in the crosshairs of a crisis just because it advertises on a show or sponsors an event. Businesses need a crisis communications plan in case they are attacked
United Airlines continues to generate bad publicity days after a man was violently dragged off a Chicago, IL to Louisville, KY flight due to the flight being overbooked and room being needed for 4 flight crew. The entire incident was filmed by other passengers with their smartphones. The man was bloodied as he was dragged ..
Social media drives narratives. That cannot be said enough. Social media can also create a crisis where none existed. Many brands are finding this out firsthand in the current politically charged and polarized environment. Today’s consumers expect brands to tell a story and share their values including their political values. Many brands have for years ..
Social media creates news – both positive and negative. Businesses of all sizes are finding out that social media posts can create a crisis where one did not exist. How a business responds to such a post can determine if it becomes a crisis or not. The saga of Cracker Barrel and Brad’s wife is ..
The 2016 political conventions are upon us. Unlike political conventions of the past, the suspense is gone on who will be the nominee and no intense battles over party platforms are fought out at the conventions. The political convention in this day and age is in many ways an infomercial for the presidential nominee and ..
Television interviews are a key component of any successful media relations and publicity campaign. Business leaders, entrepreneurs, and authors all know the power of television. Being featured on air as an expert is an excellent way to develop a following and earn instant credibility with target audiences. Yet there is much more that can be ..
Businessman and reality television star, Donald Trump appears to be the Republican nominee for president in 2016. This became all but official with the exit of Texas Senator Ted Cruz from the Republican presidential race following a devastating defeat in Indiana. Love Trump or hate him, he has shown on the stump some valuable public ..
Social media drives narratives and brands react to the social media narrative. This means that many of the old rules of crisis communications no longer apply as social media drives a crisis regardless if everything was handled correctly or not in addressing the situation with the media and key stakeholders. We saw this happen this ..
Less than one percent of small and medium size businesses have a public relations strategy. The challenge is that many businesses simply do not understand what public relations actually is and what it will do for them in terms of business growth and branding. Many business owners and executives equate public relations component with paid ..
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